Be inspired by Lotta Amnebjer Nordqvist
and learn how to make a scary leap to a small sidewalk jump
Nine years ago, Lotta resigned from her job at a large Swedish hotel chain, where she had worked for the last ten years. She knew she wanted to do something else, but she didn’t know what that else was.
This was the start of Lotta’s entrepreneurship and the kick-off of her first company, LAN Kommunikation.
There were many negative voices airing their worry and asking her whether she was really sane in walking away from that regular income. But there were also many that thought she was really brave.
It turned out that the big scary leap, was more like jumping off the sidewalk.
Lotta is one of my oldest, and best friends. We have known each other our whole lives. Well, she has known me her whole life. I am 13 months older than her. Or as her mom put it when we planned our very first trip abroad without
parents “Josefine is 18, but Lotta is only 16”. Which is true for two weeks every year when I’m statistically two years older than her.
Lotta is also one of the coolest entrepreneurs that I know, one of my role models and a real inspiration. In this article, Lotta, CEO and co-founder of Gigs for her, shares her experience as a serial entrepreneur. Why not spend 6 minutes of your time and continue reading if you want to learn how to make that scary leap to a small sidewalk jump yourself?
How did you overcome your fears and dared to change?
When I started my first company, I already had one tiny consulting assignment for a client. Before kicking it all off I had also made a budget, not only for the company, but also for the family. Based on this new situation we would lose one income. I wanted to make sure that the money I had saved, for this particular reason, would fund the very first year of my entrepreneurship. It takes time before it all rolls.
You can’t be shy and need to activate your network and colleagues. In the end, every deal resulted in a new deal.
That first company isn’t the only one that you have started. What triggered you to seeking new challenges?
After four years, I realized that this wasn’t enough. The first years had been really cool and stimulating. But after a while, the excitement in running your own business subsided, it wasn’t sufficient. I started to think again. “What do I find really fun and interesting?” I didn’t have to think for very long before I realized that I love working with people and organizations, which led me into the recruiting business.
Did you have any experience in recruiting before?
I had only recruited as a manager before, and not that many times, but I thought – what the heck – what’s the worst thing that can happen? So, I reached out to some recruitment companies and was invited to three interviews, and that was the kick-off of my next endeavor, to work as a freelance recruiter, and I loved it!
What are the resources that have helped you?
There are many that have been really supportive friends and in particular Niclas, my husband. He is also an entrepreneur, whereas he totally understands my worries and was able to support me when it came to for example book-keeping and financials.
Don’t underestimate your network. My own network has led me to where I am today. I have been the Business Network Manager for 4good, Sweden’s largest business network for women. There I met many women who were entrepreneurs and consultants, but also many who wanted to take that step to become self-employed but didn’t really dare to make it happen.
Lotta’s thoughts around change popped up again while working as a freelance recruiter, so she resigned to clear her mind.
During this time-off she met Madelene, again one must say. Lotta and Madelene had been colleagues at the hotel chain. At that time, they ran an event called “Ladies Hour” where they communicated with 2’000 women. They had created a women’s network, even though they weren’t really aware of it at that time. Lotta and Madelene had remained in contact since then, even though both of them had left the hotel chain a long time ago. Lotta and Madelene started to brainstorm, which resulted in the start of their latest company.
In August 2019, Lotta and Madelene started Gigs for her. Their goal with Gigs for her is to help women meet the changing labor market and gig economy that the future entails. They want to inspire women to dare take the power over their own lives and time.
Another resource that I have prioritized is myself. In 2012, I earned sufficiently and started to go to a coach. When you are self-employed, you don’t have several colleagues that you can discuss with and air ideas. That’s why it was so important to me to go to a professional coach.
Even though I now have Madelene as a business partner, I still meet my coach regularly. It helps me to sort my priorities and define the next steps.
What are your fears?
A constant fear as an entrepreneur are the financials. I have learnt how to handle it, to make it work. That was the reason why I started my journey with a family budget. I don’t want to have to worry about money. Working as a consultant means that some months you earn quite well, whereas other months there might be zero income. You have to be able to even out those highs and lows. What I mean is that you need to save money when you’re on a high, to make sure you also have sufficient funds for those rainy days that will for sure come. However, it is less dangerous than many fears that it is.
The freedom to be able to decide over yourself and your time over-weighs the fear of not having a regular income.
Do you have a role model?
One that I think of in particularly is Pernilla Ramslöv who runs a great consulting company and is a fantastic role model when it comes to leadership. She focuses on the loving leadership, which is what I identify myself with. There are many other, strong women in Sweden, which inspire me. I pick bits and pieces from all of them.
What is your favorite memory as entrepreneur?
Probably the day that I finally took that important decision to dare to resign from my job. But there are many, many other tiny things that I look back at with a fond memory.
I love change and am not afraid of it. I feel joy when trying out new things and believe that’s an important ingredient for future leadership.
We need to encourage others to try out, and by that I also mean that they have to be allowed to fail. Of course, there are industries, where it is riskier if someone makes a mistake and things go wrong, but those industries have to have tools and mechanisms in place to minimize errors. Employees shouldn’t be punished for unintended human errors.
If you could turn back time and talk to your younger self. What would you tell her?
Don’t worry and dare to think outside the box. Ask for help. Often, as a woman, we tend to be the “good girl” – we don’t ask questions, we believe we have to handle things all on our own. I would have learnt much more, much faster, if I had dared to ask questions and show vulnerability earlier.
Everything will be fine. Looking back, I could have been cooler in the beginning.
What energizes & inspires you?
Being with family and friends, and to go for walks. I also obtain so much inspiration on-line, be it YouTube, webinars, live sessions or podcasts.
What do you do when you feel stuck?
I change focus, do something completely different, like taking a walk or a break and then usually, the answer comes to me.
What are you curious about?
I am so curious about the future. What will happen and change after Covid19?
How do you define success & how do you celebrate it?
I believe the definition of success is different to everyone. To me it means to have a life where all my different roles works as a unity; being a mother, wife, friend, colleague and entrepreneur – and where this is rounded off that I feel healthy.
I share success stories with colleagues, friends and my family and we cheer each other on. No success is too small to be celebrated!
If you want to learn more about Lotta, Madelene and their great company Gigs for her, why not follow them on Instagram or visit their Homepage.
Just for the record, I am not sponsored by Gigs for her by any means. I only think it’s such a great idea and totally agree with Lotta – let’s share our successes and cheer each other on!